If your business is in:
Germany ,Denmark ,Holand, Belgium, Czech, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Luxemburg and other regions which near Germany.
Welcome to our Germany showroom. It only need take you short time.
Certainly,you can select to our Poland showroom.
Placing order in our Germany showroom as same as in china yiwu market ( http://www.yiwu-market.cn/Tour.htm ),you also can order small quantity per item(1-5 cartons),then mix all the items in one container or less.
The price on the website is Fob Ningbo Port .
After confirm your order, the goods will arrive Ningbo Port within 20 days .
We will send more and more samples to our Germany showroom,so as to the Germany showroom become the Yiwu Market Germany Subbranch .
If you want to see more items which on our website( www.yiwu-market.cn ) but now they are not in our Germany showroom, please make a list then send the list to our mailbox. we will send them to Germany showroom soon.
If you want to look for new items which neither on our website( www.yiwu-market.cn ) nor in our Germany showroom, please send pictures and description to our mailbox,we will find it quickly and send them to Germany showroom soon.
If you would not take short time to go to our showroom,but want need see the samples, we will ask the showroom's staff express the samples to you,but you need pay the deposit and some charges.
If you have any problem contact us by cccmarket@vip.163.com.